Give Your Vagina a Makeover with Labiaplasty Surgery

woman in black panties

Labiaplasty surgery reduces the shape and size of the labia when factors like age, genetics, and childbirth have resulted in changes that cause discomfort or self-consciousness. Though not always medically necessary, it can be a great way to boost your confidence and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Are you considering a vaginal makeover at the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jules Walters can provide information and resources about surgery during a vaginal rejuvenation assessment. Call our New Orleans, LA team for an appointment and see how we help achieve your ideal appearance.

What Causes Enlarged Labia?

The vagina is composed of tissues like the labia majora (the larger outer lips) and labia minora (the smaller inner lips). The shape and size of these areas can be affected by these factors:

  • Age: Collagen breakdown over time may result in an overall loss of elasticity. This causes the labia to hang lower than normal.
  • Childbirth: The process of childbirth can make the labia seem stretched out or torn.
  • Genetics: Some women naturally have larger or asymmetrical labia.

Some feel embarrassed about their vaginal appearance, while others have a hard time wearing close-fitted garments like bikinis and leggings. Even worse, an enlarged labia can make it challenging to perform certain exercises or participate in sexual activity with a partner.

If any of these factors have resulted in changes that make you self-conscious or uncomfortable, the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa may recommend vaginal rejuvenation through labiaplasty surgery in New Orleans, LA.

What Is the Labiaplasty Procedure Like?

Labiaplasty is usually performed as an outpatient surgery in our on-site procedure room. This means you return home the same day as your treatment. Dr. Walters employs a cutting-edge technique known as the “wedge” to trim away a triangular area of skin and small folds from the clitoris before carefully stitching the area closed. Our team creates natural outcomes with minimal scarring and time in recovery.

Your Expected Labiaplasty Results

Most patients report feeling an immediate sense of relief after labiaplasty surgery. However, it does take time for side effects like swelling and inflammation to fade. Sexual activity should be avoided for 4 – 6 weeks as the area heals. Dr. Walters recommends applying a cool compress to stay comfortable.

Visible improvements occur after six weeks, with the final outcomes showing 3 — 6 months following the procedure. These results are long-lasting, provided you take care of your body and avoid any excessive stretching of the area. Future changes from age or childbirth can be addressed with a second surgery down the line.

Will My Outcomes Appear Natural?

Some women are concerned their results will look “unnatural” after labiaplasty surgery. Dr. Walters is an expert in achieving beautiful and balanced outcomes for those with enlarged labia. We take the time to discuss your goals and desired appearance before performing any type of treatment. This ensures that you walk away happy with your new appearance.

Get Vaginal Rejuvenation in New Orleans

Vaginal rejuvenation provides numerous benefits for women of all ages. Anyone considering this unique makeover should contact the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa to meet with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jules Walters. Our labiaplasty procedure has helped many women in New Orleans, LA feel better about their bodies and their intimate relationships. Schedule an appointment today.

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