Monthly Archives: March 2023

the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa

What Is Rhinoseptoplasty & How Can It Fix My Nose?

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Do you have trouble breathing through your nose? Do you snore at night? Is there something you would like to change cosmetically about your nose? Rhinoseptoplasty, also known as rhino septoplasty or septorhinoplasty, is a nose job procedure that makes cosmetic changes while realigning a malformed nasal septum. Aesthetic concerns are addressed with rhinoplasty; deviated…

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Due to inclement winter weather, the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa will be closed on January 21- January 23, 2025. We plan to resume regular operations on January 24, 2025. We will provide any further updates if circumstances change. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to stay safe and warm!