How Long Does a Breast Lift Last? The Answer May Surprise You!

Woman in white bra with arm up and hand on face. (MODEL)

If you’re considering a breast lift to improve saggy, droopy breasts, you’re probably wondering what you can expect from your results. You can generally expect your breast lift results to last indefinitely, although the natural aging process and other lifestyle factors can impact your results. Some patients enjoy their results for well over 10 to 15 years, while others choose to have a repeat procedure before that.

To understand how genetics, skin laxity, and lifestyle factors affect the longevity of your breast lift, it helps to know why breasts sag and how a breast lift works. We’ll discuss those issues in this post and provide some tips for maintaining your results.

What Are the Main Causes of Breast Sagging?

Some common reasons women experience breast drooping include:

  • The natural aging process
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Gravity

Genetics also play a role here, affecting the density and size of your breasts, skin elasticity, and ligament strength—all factors in how your breasts hold up to the pressures of gravity, aging, and other body changes.

What Does a Breast Lift Do?

During a breast lift, your surgeon removes excess breast skin and tightens and reshapes the remaining tissue so your breasts look lifted and perky. Your plastic surgeon will recommend using one of several incision types to deliver the best results for your specific needs and the least amount of scarring possible.

How To Maintain Your Breast Lift Results

Here are some simple steps you can take to enjoy perkier and more youthful-looking breasts for many years to come.

Support Your Breasts

A good-quality bra can help with premature sagging in your breasts. It’s a good idea to wear a supportive bra during most of the day and anytime you engage in physical exercise.

Consider Having Your Children Before Your Breast Lift

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can create sagging in your breasts due to hormones. You may also gain weight in your chest area during pregnancy, which can lead to excess and sagging skin once you lose the weight.

If possible, have your children and finish breastfeeding before you schedule a breast lift for optimal results. If you give birth after your procedure, a repeat breast lift and breast augmentation can improve sagging and restore volume loss to your breasts.

Protect Your Skin

Keep your skin healthy and limit exposure to conditions that hasten skin aging. This includes consuming alcohol and smoking, both of which degrade your skin’s collagen. Wear sunblock daily, even when the sky is overcast, and protect your breast skin from UV exposure as much as possible.

Maintain a Consistent Weight

Drastic weight fluctuations can stretch your breast skin and accelerate sagging.

Don’t Sleep on Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on your breasts and flattens them for hours at a time. Sleeping on your side can also pose some challenges, as it allows your Cooper’s ligaments to stretch. If you sleep on your side, wear a supportive bra to bed or place a pillow under your breasts to give them a little extra support. It’s best to sleep on your back.

Are You Ready for a Breast Lift?

If your sagging breasts concern you, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who can give you long-lasting results that boost your confidence. Take a look at some of our patients’ breast lift results in their before and after photos to see the type of results that are possible, then reach out to us online to request a consultation or call us at (504) 517-6200.

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