How to Choose Breast Implant Sizes and Shapes

the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa

The decision to undergo breast augmentation is one many women choose for their own personal reasons. Some women who have always been unhappy with the size of their chests are looking for enhancements in both shape and size. Also, some women want to “fix” the way their breasts look as a result of the natural aging process or after having children. Whatever your reason for considering implants, perhaps the biggest question to consider is what size do you want to be?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done today. The initial steps include thorough research, interviewing, and selecting the right plastic surgeon. It is essential to understand the results you hope to attain from your breast augmentation and communicate your desires. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jules Walters at Dr. Jules Walters in Metairie, LA can help you with this process, as well as help you determine what size implants will provide you with the best results. Here is some information on breast implant sizing and shapes so you will love the end result!

Breast Augmentation Surgery Explained

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery performed by placing a silicone- or saline-filled implant into the breast under the breast tissue or chest muscle to increase the size. There are varying sizes, shapes, and textures to implants which makes the possibilities endless for women wanting this surgery. Plastic surgeons, like Dr. Walters in the Greater New Orleans area, spend time during the consultation to discuss sizing options in detail so they can help to ensure patient satisfaction. A breast augmentation can not only improve your self-confidence, but also boost your self-image. It is one of the many cosmetic procedures available that can shape your body into a better you.

Allow Your Surgeon to Guide Your Decision

The first step for selecting your breast implant size is to take time to consider the correct size for your body and lifestyle. Perhaps aside from your own personal desires, another great resource is your plastic surgeon. During the consultation, have a two-way conversation regarding your desires and their recommendations after your initial examination. Dr. Walters is a leading plastic surgeon in Metairie, LA. He has performed countless breast augmentation surgeries and has the experience and knowledge you can trust. Leaning on your surgeon for their professional opinion is key.

Things to Consider

Some things to consider before your breast augmentation include:

  • Keep your lifestyle in mind. If a patient is a runner or does other rigorous types of exercising, then larger implants may not be ideal for that type of active lifestyle.
  • Your skin elasticity. Consult with your plastic surgeon on age considerations and what will give you the best end result keeping your age, skin elasticity, and recovery in mind.
  • Your height, weight, and body style. Patients who are thinner with naturally small breasts should consider how they would look if their implants were too big. A woman with broader shoulders can usually carry bigger breast implants as opposed to a more petite woman. A woman’s body type makes a big impact on the implant size chosen. Remember, the end goal is for your new breast augmentation to complement your body.

Know Your Goals

Patients who do their homework and have a better idea of what they want prior to surgery tend to have an overall better experience with their breast augmentation procedure. Breast implant size and the type of implant are the most common questions for patients to consider. During the initial consultation, patients should discuss their aesthetic goals for their new breasts in terms of shape (round or teardrop), type (silicone or saline), and most importantly size. Most of Dr. Walters’ patients select round implants because it looks and feels more natural, while adding fullness to the top of the breast. Some women bring in pictures of breast sizes they like to give a more descriptive idea of the look they are hoping to achieve. However, you should know that how one woman’s breasts look after augmentation is not necessarily exactly how yours will look.

Envision Your New Results

Going into your consultation, you may be thinking your implant size will be tried on like a bra. That is quite the contrary as breast implants are not picked out by cup size. Implants are sized according to CCs, with a normal range for most patients being 300-400 CCs, but this can range from 120 CCs to 960 CCs. You will be provided implant “samples” in different CC sizes or variations to try on in order to give you a better idea of what you might want. During the consultation, Dr. Walters will measure your natural breast tissue along with the size you hope to achieve to determine the best possible outcome.

VECTRA 3D Imaging

Patients in the Greater New Orleans area can benefit from surgical centers like Dr. Jules Walters and its access to state-of-the-art technology with VECTRA 3D Imaging. This technology helps you select the appropriate implant that will not only be safe for you but will also help you accomplish your goals. VECTRA 3D Imaging provides a realistic simulation of how your new, augmented breasts will look like after surgery before even stepping foot in the operating room. Be prepared since the consultation requires some time to be set aside. This discussion with Dr. Walters can ensure you are both on the same page with realistic goals for size selection and surgical outcomes.

Make a Wise Size Choice

One of the biggest reasons women undergo breast revision surgery is due to size. After the initial augmentation procedure, some women wish they had gone smaller, but the majority of cases is the desire to be bigger. Keep in mind though that going too large can cause undesirable results such as asymmetry, rippling, or chronic pain in the neck or back due to the increased weight. When trying on implant samples, once you find a size you like, try one size up to make sure the first size you liked is definitely the right size for you. This will help eliminate any doubt and possibly avoid a revision surgery (or implant replacement procedure) to go bigger in breast size.

We know that you have some decisions to make regarding your breast augmentation surgery, which is why Dr. Jules Walters in Metairie, LA offers complete support every step of the way. Part of this process includes choosing the right implant size for your body’s proportions. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jules Walters specializes in cosmetic surgery of the face, breast, and body and reconstructive breast surgery. His patient-first approach in providing exceptional surgical care for his patients makes him one of the most highly regarded plastic surgeons in the area. Are you ready to enhance your shape with a breast augmentation? If so, contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.

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