Labiaplasty: One Of The Fastest-Growing Cosmetic Surgeries

the MODERN Plastic Surgery & Medspa

Vaginal rejuvenation has been on the rise in popularity with more women getting help. Women wanting to feel more confident or eliminate uncomfortable symptoms are improving their female area with labiaplasty. This cosmetic procedure enhances the appearance of the vaginal area as well as helps improve overall function. In the last few years, labiaplasty has become one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries because women finally realize there are options and solutions to the problems they did not think were possible to correct. Women can turn to a labiaplasty procedure in order to feel like a new woman. Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jules Walters, in New Orleans is a leading expert on helping women boost their confidence and sexual pleasure with this cosmetic procedure. Let’s take a look at what labiaplasty is about and what it can do.

Why Women Consider Labiaplasty

Vaginal rejuvenation with labiaplasty can help women in New Orleans improve how they feel about themselves. It can help them feel more confident about their intimate areas and also help reduce symptoms that an enlarged or stretched labia can create. Women who struggle with excess or loose skin around the inner or outer labia can also experience uncomfortable intercourse as well as a tugging of the excess labia tissues while in certain clothes or doing activities like riding a bike. Many women struggle with abnormal labia tissue for years before finally deciding to seek help. Almost always, they are very glad they did.

Why Does This Happen?

There are different reasons why women experience complications with their labia area. Known as the labia minora and labia majora (the inner and outer “lips” of the vaginal area), these delicate areas can be greatly impacted by childbirth, significant weight loss, genetics, or the natural process of aging. Vaginal childbirth can cause the labia folds to stretch and once that occurs they are drastically changed. Genetically, some women can be born with loose labial skin. In addition, significant weight loss or the natural process of aging can also lend to changes in the vaginal area, specifically, the labial tissues or folds looking stretched or not as youthful. But women today are no longer suffering with this condition and are turning to cosmetic surgery for help.

What Can Labiaplasty Do?

Labiaplasty, also known as labial reduction, is a surgical procedure that reduces the length or size of the labial folds (or the outer and inner lips of the vagina) in order to improve the overall appearance and function. With advanced technologies and surgical techniques, plastic surgeons can help women with this delicate area and gently rejuvenate a woman’s vagina by shortening or reducing the length of the labial tissues or folds. The result is a natural, smooth, and more pleasing look. Women no longer have to endure painful sex or an unsightly appearance. Labiaplasty can be the solution and continues to be one of the most sought after treatments for New Orleans, LA women.

The Labiaplasty Procedure

With a mild sedative or local anesthesia, this surgical procedure can change the size and shape of the labial tissues and usually takes 1-2 hours. There are 2 different ways this procedure can be done; either a trim or wedge technique and your surgeon will determine which one they will utilize. The trim procedure trims away or removes the excess tissue and sutures it directly up. Dr. Walters typically prefers the more advanced technique of a wedge procedure which trims away a triangular area of skin and even excess skin around the clitoris which gives a more natural appearance.

Surgeon Care and Experience

Like with any type of cosmetic surgery, a board-certified plastic surgeon needs to be a top priority. Labiaplasty is performed on a very delicate part of the body and if a surgeon does an aggressive reduction or shortens the labial folds too much then a patient will experience even more discomfort. In addition, a crucial factor during surgery is to preserve the nerves around the sensitive tissues so that intercourse and the ability to achieve orgasm is not affected. Aggressive labiaplasty can lead to vaginal scarring, excessive dryness, or even more painful sexual intercourse. With an experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Walters, the labiaplasty procedure can also be combined with other vaginal procedures, like a vaginoplasty, which would rejuvenate the entire area.

The Recovery Process

Labiaplasty recovery is typically an easy, quick process. Most patients take a week off in order to give their body time to heal and let typical swelling or inflammation subside. In some cases, patients do experience some mild bruising. For the first week, patients are advised to wear comfortable clothes. Some women experience itching in the area, which is typical for the healing process, but if it persists then speak to your surgeon. Most women can resume exercising in about 3-4 weeks. Sexual intercourse and tampon usage can be resumed in 4-6 weeks or as recommended by your surgeon.

The Final Result

Labiaplasty has an overall high success rate with women being very happy with their results. There is no need for women to struggle with this vaginal issue any longer. This fairly easy cosmetic procedure can help so clothes or even sex are no longer uncomfortable. A rather short, simple procedure that requires little downtime but can give women the answer they need who are struggling with this condition.

Women considering labiaplasty are wanting to get rid of being uncomfortable or feeling self-conscious. Vaginal rejuvenation can help a woman get her self-confidence back and get relief. Women, in New Orleans, who need labia help can turn to Dr. Jules Walters. He is board-certified and has extensive surgical experience with the labiaplasty procedure. He will listen to your concerns and give you a surgical plan to fit your needs. If interested in labiaplasty, call or schedule your consultation with Dr. Walters today.

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